Sunday, 25 December 2011

post whistler recovery

The week after the ultra run was very surprising ,a bit sore going down stairs but generally better
than after a hard marathon. A lot of short trail walks were done with a very easy short 20min group
run done on the day of my departure back to australia.The first week back i visited the chiro and also had a 45 min massage. ,I also did a 7km run the day i got back but i think i pushed it a little to much. The inside quad/groin ploblem i had before the ultra was still bothering me ,short runs were possible every 2nd day but it was nagging .Enter jean louie massage therapest of 20years standing who found the cause of my suffering
and continued to add to it over severval sessions.He also showed me some excellent stretches for the problem. So now i am poised to enter the new year ready to go,i will slowly build up again with a plan to try and run a fast marathon around april/may.Running a 50 miler has given me so much confidence and self belief that has been lacking the last few years i just have to be carefull and train smart .