Training has been going well ,long runs up to 30 kms which i was suprised by the ease i was doing them ,however pushing the downhills on my tempo run have caused my right itb to flare up next to my knee i think i have caught it in the early stages and with a few days off plus ice and streching im hoping i,ll be right .
I have to be careful as i forget how old i am and how long i,ve been running and tend to push myself too hard and the body won't handle it ,its like the mind is willing and the body is weak! i also think i need to stay off the downhills which don't seem to agree with my body although I'll miss charging down military road at 3-40 km pace at the end of my tempo runs .
On another note i bumped into my old mate chip van halan aka wayne salter aka chip monk salter aka chipmonk Frazier lets just say the monk,
before he headed back to his base in france .Still a fantastic athlete in his early 40s who has in his resume plenty of sub 9hr iron mans and a aust singlet in the 1990 commonwealth games among numerous other achevements.
The monk is a bit of a nomad moves around a lot has a lot to say and is not afraid to speak his mind on athletic subjects ,this has not endeared him to officialdom and fellow athletes over the years and a lot of people shun him or just think he's a bit weird but the more i talked to him this Saturday morning down at the beach about numerous subjects the more i admired him because i saw some of myself in him ,i too know what its like to be shunned by fellow athletes, to be described as an eccentric because i do things my way and stick to my beliefs ,integrity is a dying art .
So monk keep living how you do,, keep being true to what you believe in, keep experimenting with your training and diet, your
a wealth of knowledge who never stops learning never stops looking .people who shun you are missing out .
I don't know when i'll see the monk again but as we parted ways his final words were ,what people don't understand they fear ,i could'nt have said it better its a statement i have used many times myself.