Tuesday, 9 July 2013


Well since the disappointment of NZ is well and truly over I have been able to get back into the swing of things by modifying my training to the extent that I am only running every 2nd day with a minimum of 12km per session .The extra recovery time is allowing me to train at a faster overall speed than before ,I have also been avoiding downhill running as this was the cause of recent injuries .The results so far have been encouraging , on 4 weeks training I ran the sri shimoy off road 1/2 marathon in 1hr 41 min running a very even pace throughout and 4 weeks later doing the gold coast 1/2 in 1 hr 39 min 54 sec, recovering really quickly after both .Now I will start to increase the distances and introduce some longer runs in preparation for the Sydney marathon in late September ,this race has not been kind to me in the past so I will be preparing well enough to be ready for anything .
On the gold coast it was good to catch up with a lot of my old brat triathlon club members who now reside there as we attended the 50th birthday do of ex president marcel van kampen  who has signed up to do the port Macquarie ironman his first for 19 years ! marcel had a good run in the 1/2 as did tony golden and murray king and what about kerrin hill finished her first 1/2 in 20years ! 42 year old ex brat saul Maloney finished the full marathon in 3hrs 2 min for a 12 min pb and to think I use to race against his dad in the early eighties ! The numbers at the gold coast were massive nearly 11000 in the 1/2 , 6,000 in the marathon , and 7000 in the 10km and a heap in the kids fun runs, running the 1/2 you felt like you had someone in your pocket the whole way !
On a finishing note I was very pleased to hear that my good friend in Canada margreet dietz is finally back running after a year on the sidelines with injury .Margreet showed great patience and perserverance during this time and it is a credit to her to be back running when a lesser person would have turned it up and given it away .
Happy and safe training to all .