Wednesday, 24 April 2013


Due to fly out to new zealand on tuesday morning for the rotorua marathon on 4th may .As you may have read in my last blog training had been going well and everything was on track ...... untill 3weeks ago .The day after finishing a hot and tiring 30km run my lower left calf muscle was sore  tight and very localised , i rested it for 3 days and then resumed some small runs, not too bad starting to loosen up i thought ,then towards the end of a easy 14kmer it seized up again ,something was not right , even after a solid massage session it would tighten up after about 15 min of running .I sought treatment and went to a new guy who checked me out for every thing and discovered i had a couple of small muscle tears, not even grade one .where my achillies meets the bottom of the calf muscle ,solution stay off it for a week then resume at 20% capacity .After a couple of 3km run/walk sessions i am now able to run on it ,will it hold up for 42kms ? i will just have to see, its getting better by the day but i think i will be just running to finish as i have missed a lot of training the last month ,i have a good base so that should see me thru ,just have to pace it slowly and let it warm up .On my return im going to have to sit down and evalute my training as what i want to do and what my body is prepared to let me do are different ,After about 80km a week i start to get the niggles ,i need to train smarter and incorporate more recovery days into the training week .I sometimes really need to remember how old i am ! .On another note if anybody wants to talk to me about anything  running feel free to get in touch ,i may not have been the fastest but i know stuff! i have been a student of the sport for over 40 years and am still learning ! Thank you for your interest ,happy and safe training .

1 comment:

  1. Good luck Dessie! I'll be thinking of you.

    You've been such a source of inspiration, encouragement and wisdom on both my best and my worst days as a runner, a true friend.

    You are indeed a true student of the sport we love so much!
